Sunday, September 12, 2010


The sky was so dark and it looked as though it was night already.

Was it me or was it you?

I have tried to find the courage to message you, to email you. Every time when I looked at your name, I stumbled. I panicked.

Is it really necessary to let you know what is in this heart?

I always thought I am good in expressing myself. I thought I have no issues expressing love to others. But I guess for the first time in life, I stumbled.

We stood before a glass door in a building. Outside, it was pouring heavily.

You were holding a big sky blue umbrella. You offered to shed me to my vehicle. I hesitated for a while. I could not resist the offer, I agreed.

You began to roll your our long pants to your knee level. As we were walking out the building, I hesitated. You opened the umbrella and held my hand. Warm filled my body and I didn't feel cold anymore. I liked the warmth of your hands and I didn't want to let go.

Half way through the heavy rain, we were already all wet. Our destination seemed so far. Unfortunately, the umbrella was spoiled and we decided to turn back. We went back to the building where we started. But we were all wet and frozen.

There we stood, behind the glass door again, watching the rain pouring outside. We were going no where anymore.