Monday, March 30, 2009

Is religion a relationship killer?

It never appeared to me that religion is an issue to a relationship. Yes, I still think like that though many gave up a relationship due to religion constrain.

I always thought that religion is a guideline in life. When I mean guideline, I mean there is no right and wrong with the religion you chose. To me, choosing a religion is like choosing a school. We might graduate from different schools, but the teaching are more or less the same.

All religions hold the same principle. They guide us to be a better person. They answer to those who are lost. They complete you when you are incomplete. They hold you when you are depressed. I am so blessed that I mix with people who believe in God.

The problem occurs when there is not just God but my God or your God. Of course, humans compare. They compare to find which the best religion is. And because you think yours is the best, you want your friends and family to be in the best.

But the question is, should we be comparing our religion? Are we still kids to go, "My school is the best and only my school has quality graduates?" We tend to forget that we should not be comparing at all. 

I do hope everyone can open up your heart. "Religion" lies in the eyes of the beholder. Till now, there is no scientific prove saying that which religion's students have the highest rates to heaven. Religion is indeed a very subjective issue. And when it is subjective, you can only believe. 

I don't believe that religion can ever stand between humans. It's humans themselves who choose to think differently. So, please don't blame poor "religion" as an excuse for break up. 

Lastly, I would like to end this post with a still thought by Master Cheng Yan who inspires me to write this post.

Translate: Religions will appear the same when your heart is wide, but they will appear different when your heart is narrow. 


cruellays said...

Alo, dunno y some ppl so narrow minded...

Unknown said...

If religions are all the same, when are you going to embrace Hinduism or Islam?

Religion is just like your life partner, they will be with you until you leave this world. They mould your character, lead you to more goodness etc. Are you going to choose any other guys to be your life partner? No you won't. You choose the best. And you defend the best. Likewise, people choose the best religion and believe in it, not only believe in it, they defend it.

Unknown said...
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Jane Kong said...

Seems like you don't understand the part about guideline. Great! Sounds like you're marrying your religion. Hahha.. Congratulations!