Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The New Year Resolution Is Out!

Finally it comes to year end. Well, I guess I have fulfilled my 2008's resolution which is to have a resolution list in 2009!! Yeah!! (Ok, I know it's not that funny! Haha..) 2008 has been a slow year to me. I have been taking the year too easily! I guess I have to be aggressive this year! *ruff ruff* (ehem... I call that a roar?)

Ok, let's see how aggressive I can go. I have broken it down to a few categories:-

Health and diet:
1) Lose the 10kg I gained since 2006.
2) Play at least one sport per week. (Tennis, badminton, futsal, jogging)
3) Complete the slimming course though it's not working (estimated end time June 2009)
4) Take up yoga after completion of slimming course (estimated start time July 2009)

1) Make my mother sleep early
2) Teach my mother how to cook vegetables (she claims she doesn't know)
3) Teach Shing Japanese
4) Do nothing to Wen Make Wen work harder and read more books
5) Think of a way so that Mama remembers what she puts in the fridge

1) Limit credit card usage
2) Learn to be thrifty
3) Save the down payment for a house

Personal growth:
1) Read at least one book every month
2) Cut down to one fashion magazine per month
3) Consider seriously on getting a master program
4) Take up another new language (Thai or Korean)
5) JLPT Level 3
6) Improve on my working attitude
7) Wear more formal to work (I am wearing Jeans today actually..)

Leisure and fun:
1) Visit a country out of Asia by the end of the year.
2) Buy a new camera (Canon in mind now)

Calender Events:
Jan 26-27: Chinese New Year
February: Pkuket Trip
October: Shanghai Trip

Hmm... I wonder if I am able to achieve all. This shall be interesting! Initially there was a personality growth whereby I hope that I can change my childish personality to a more mature one. But to do so, I guess I have to equip myself with more experience and knowledge. When thou thinking has maturated, thou attitude will be.


Unknown said...

We're going to make 2009 count aren't we? All the best and let's strive to make 2009 a fruitful year! Ngi~~

Jane Kong said...

Thanks! We'll strive for it!!

Don't try to get away from getting your new year resolution done!! I want to see it today!!

Unknown said...


Sallykok said...

Go go go!!! Gambateh!!!

Jane Kong said...

Thanks thanks!! I will ya!!